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Kirjaudu arvostellaksesi tuotteen


Scarab on samanlaisella reunalla varustettu putteri kuin Myth, mutta lennoltaan liidokkaampi. Sopii siis Mythiä paremmin pidempiin liitäviin lähestymisiin ja putteihin.

Infinite Discs are manufactured by Innova Champion Discs. Most Infinite Discs models are designed for players at all levels, while some discs will be fine-tuned for the specific demands of experienced throwers. Every run specifies the run number and includes the total number of discs manufactured. This information helps throwers find consistency and allows collectors to know the rarity of their discs.

D-Blend plastic is a basic plastic blend (compare to Innova DX plastic). It has good grip and medium softness. It is more easily beat-in when used than premium plastics, but it preferred by many players for putters and mid-range discs where grip is important.

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