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Kirjaudu arvostellaksesi tuotteen


Tuote on poistunut valikoimastamme

Den glider in! Rakas länsinaapurimme Kastaplast halusi muistaa tänä keväänä useimmat yllättänyttä Suomen maajoukkueen menestystä jääkiekon MM-kisoissa julkaisemalla KK-linen (=Kaapo Kakko -line) Göten Sisu-painatuksella, jonka lentonumerot kertovat tärkeimmät ottelutulokset puolivälierästä finaaliin! Ja onhan se Mörkökin (Mörököl) päässyt mukaan stämppiin!

Göte on hieman Kaxea hitaampi, ja siten paremmin kontrolloitavissa hitaammilla nopeuksilla heitettäessä. Mutta Götestäkin löytyy mahtavasti liitoa ja se kestää myös jonkin verran vetoa kääntämättä yli. Kaiken kaikkiaan näppärä suora midari, jolle löytyy monta eri käyttötarkoitusta.

Story from Kastaplast: Less than two weeks ago a Finnish ice hockey team won the World Championships. This was a team with low experience and low expectations, at least from the outside, but they had a great heart – what is called SISU in finnish.

They won the quarterfinal against Sweden (the winner the last two years) on overtime in a game where they really showed that they could play hockey. To make this moment maybe a little bit better for our Finnish friends the release date for this disc is on the Swedish national day.

After the heroic battle against Sweden they met Russia in the semifinal. Russia was loaded with professional stars from NHL and had won all eight games in the championships until this. And Finland just didn't let them do any goals at all!!

In the final Finland had to play against Canada, the same team they played against in their opening game 16 days earlier. But nothing had changed except that they won the tournament this time, Finland made three goals and Canada one.

The man who was the best scorer for Finland in the group play was Kaapo Kakko, the youngest in the team and he is seen as a top prospect in the 2019 NHL Draft. He's the reason why this stamp has the KK-line. During all successes in the playoff Marko Anttila, captain, started to make goals. The last one against Sweden, the only one against Russia and two against Canada. His nickname Mörkö made the media in Finland start to compare this with the young American team in 1980 beating USSR called Miracle on ice and just changed it to Mörököl on ice.

This was just a nice story we thought we had to do something special!

Kaapo Kakko -line (KK) on kestävä muoviseos, josta saa myös hyvin pitävän otteen.