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MD3 on Discmanian MD2:sta vakaampi varmatoiminen midari, jota uskaltaa heittää kovaa. Se kestää hyvin vastatuulta ja feidaa luotettavasti. MD3 on lentoradaltaan suora lopun feidiä lukuunottamatta.

'The Glow C-line Glow MD3 is the best flying and feeling midrange I have ever thrown. Out of the box, it has a reliable overstable fade. Once beaten in, it will cover virtually every midrange shot in the books. The MD3 is perfect for players of all different skill and power levels. If I had to play a round with one disc, it would be the MD3.' - Eagle McMahon. A significant part of the proceeds of this disc will be used to support Eagle's touring.

Color Glow C-line plastic combines popular Italian blend C-line with glowing properties. This plastic blend also offers a fantastic grippy feel and a top-tier durability!